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International Conference on Global Cooperation for Education in Risk Society


徵稿啟事 Call for Papers 專題演講者 Keynote Speakers 議程 Programme
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議程 Programme(112.04.18)


112年4月29日(星期六)29th April, 2023 (Saturday)
Speaker / Discussant
09:00-09:20(20") 開幕式暨貴賓致詞Opening Ceremony 武東星校長(國立暨南國際大學)Prof. Dong-Sing Wuu (President of NCNU)
楊洲松副校長-教務長(國立暨南國際大學)Prof. Chou-Sung Yang (Vice-President / Dean of Academic Affairs of NCNU)
林松柏院長(國立暨南國際大學教育學院)Prof. Sung-Po Lin (Dean for College of Education of NCNU)
侯永琪理事長(中華民國比較教育學會)Prof. Angela Yung Chi Hou (President of Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society)
洪小萍系主任(國立暨南國際大學 國際文教與比較教育學系)
Prof. Hsiao-Ping Hung (Director of DICE, NCNU)
09:20-10:00(40") 專題演講(I)
Keynote Speech(I)
Bookmaking Projects to Sustain Indigenous Languages in Taiwan and the United States
Prof. Angela Yung Chi Hou (Vice-Dean for College of Education of NCCU/ President of Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society)
美國南卡羅萊納大學Catherine Compton-Lilly 博士
Dr. Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina, USA
10:00-10:40(40") 專題演講(II)
Keynote Speech(II)
Internationalisation and collaboration between institutions: Focus on relationships between two or more universities
Prof. Yueh-Chun Huang(Distinguished Professor of Global Master Program of Teaching Profession & Department of Education of NCYU)
紐西蘭維多利亞大學 Stephanie Doyle博士
Dr. Stephanie Doyle Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
10:40-11:10 茶敘休息時間 Tea Break
11:10-11:50(40") 專題演講(III)
Keynote Speech(III)
How did the French pupils and teachers experience the Lockdown and what was the impact on achievement ?
Dr. Robert Chao-Yun Huang (Associate Professor of DICE, NCNU)
法國格勒諾博阿爾卑斯大學 Laurent LIMA 博士
Dr. Laurent LIMA Associate Professor Contextual Learning Research Laboratory (LaRAC), University of Grenoble Alpes, France
11:50-13:20 午餐Lunch Break
Concurrent Session A (H-B02)
Thuy Thi Tang, Giang Nguyen
Prediction of university student dropout using a machine learning approach
Richard S. Nellas
Appropriating the Systems Thinking Approach in the Higher Education: The basis for understanding the students’ mobility and internationalization
Ngan-Ha, Nguyen, Thuy Thi Tang, Kieu-Hanh, Tran, Viet-Anh, Phu Duong
Integrating Experiential Learning in EMI Classrooms to Develop Students’ Employability Skills – from Lecturers’ Perspectives
Christopher James Green
A Comparative Perspective of International Students Pursuing Education degrees in South Korea and Taiwanns
Prof. Dorothy I-Ru Chen (Professor of DICE, NCNU)
Concurrent Session B (H-116)

洪小萍 Hsiao-Ping Hung
A study on the policy and practices of bilingual (Spanish-English) education of public primary and secondary schools in Spain: the case of Madrid Autonomous Community
傅柏維 Fu, Po Wei
Hakka Image analysis in Primary School social Studies Textbooks
歐陽蓉荷 Ou Yang, Jung-Ho
A study on the cross-cultural adaptation of Myanmar students in Taiwan (2016-2022)
翁文璇 Wen-Husan Weng
The reference of Japanese national education spirit to vocational education in Taiwan
Prof. Sung-Po Lin (Dean for College of Education of NCNU)
Concurrent Session C (H-B01-1)

Yu-Yang Chen
Breaking the North-cored Education: A Discourse for Distribution Unbalance of National University in Taiwan
古思旂 Si-Qi Gu、陳于揚 Yu-Yang Chen
Between teacher training and university transformation: Determination of the Development Direction of Contemporary Taiwan Teacher Training Institutions and Discussion on the Positioning of University of Education
Anantri Sabrina Manik
Innovation and Teaching Education as A Strategy to Strengthen Character Education
吳美齡 Mei-Ling Wu、董旭英 Yuk-Ying Tung
Relationship between negative events experienced by adolescents and depression in risk society
黃文定教授 (國立暨南國際大學)
Prof. Wen-Ding Huang (Professor of DICE, NCNU))
14:50-15:00(10") 休息時間 Break Time
14:30-15:30(60") 論文發表D場(人B02)
Concurrent Session D (H-B02)

吳滿花 Man-Hua Wu、楊忠斌 Chung-Ping Yang
Aesthetic of forests and its implications for environmental education
盧孜瑛 Lu Tzu-Ying、謝文英 Hsieh Wen-ying
疫情下偏鄉小學停課不停學 生生有平板教學困境與應變之道
Under the epidemic, rural primary schools are closed and students have tablets Teachers are Facing challenges and Coping Strategies
絲任節 Jen-Cheih Szu
The Involution in Early Childhood Education: A Glance in Taiwan
Dr. Yuan-Her Hwang (Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Educational Art and Healing, MDU)
Concurrent Session E (H-116)

葉雪娜 Shervina Octavyaputri、黃馨慧 Clarissa Anggoro Wijaya、劉美香Patricia Angelica Liu、鍾愛萍 Rosevin Wilyani、尤韵斯 Melissa Yusuf、
保里乃玲 Nairei Hori

Analysis of factors influencing Indonesian student’s willingness to stay in Taiwan After Graduation
任家鋆 Chia Yun, Jen
An overview of the motivations of study mothers from the Sinosphere and their adaptation to the English-speaking world
Puan Tursina, Ter-sheng Chiang
The Study of Acehnese Teachers’ Interactions with Students in the Classroom in Indonesia: From the Perspective of Symbolic Interactionism
Dr. Tang Thị Thuy (Associate Professor of Faculty of Quality Management, VNU-University of Education, Vietnam)
Concurrent Session F (H-B01-1)

吳婉寧 Goh Wan Ning
Exploring Malaysia Low-Enrolment Chinese Primary School Teachers’ Challenges and Coping Strategies in Online Teaching during COVID-19
許紋瑄 Wen-Hsuan, Hsu
A Study on the Factors Influencing International Interns’ Development of Intercultural Competence
沈育娜 Yu-Na Shen
Male University Students’ Emotion and Process of Adaptation in the Heartbreaking Experience
Dr. Po-Wei Fu (Assistant Professor of Institute of Hakka Language and Communication, NUU)
15:30-16:00 茶敘休息時間 Tea Break
16:00-17:10(70") 論文發表G場(人B02)
Concurrent Session G (H-B02)

陳于揚 Yu-Yang Chen
The Interaction Existence Syn-Casting (IESC) System under Academic Territorology: Interdisciplinary Co-Construction of Language Education and Culture Education
張源泉 Yuan Chuan, Chang
The Developing Role of Supervisor in German: Legal Issues and Challenges
洪小萍 Hsiao-Ping Hung
Analyzing the internationalization strategies and practices of Spanish universities from the perspective of transnational interuniversity alliances: the case of European Universities Initiative
黃照耘 Chao-Yun, Robert HUANG
Policy Responses of International Organization UNESCO on Global Education Cooperation in Risk Society
Prof. Hsiao-Wen Yu (Professor of DICE, NCNU)
17:10-17:30 綜合座談暨閉幕式 Final Discussion & Closing Remarks 洪小萍主任(國立暨南國際大學)
Prof. Hsiao-Ping Hung (Director of DICE, NCNU)


承辦單位(Organizer):DICE logo國立暨南國際大學國際文教與比較教育學系

本研討會由國家科學及技術委員會資助Sponsored by National Science and Technology Council