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International Conference on Global Cooperation for Education in Risk Society
International Conference on Global Cooperation for Education in Risk Society
徵稿啟事 Call for Papers | 專題演講者 Keynote Speakers | 議程 Programme |
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摘要錄取名單 Acceptance Notice
Deadline for full paper submission: April 6, 2023 (Thu.)
Registration: from March 13, 2023 to April 9, 2023
姓名 | 投稿題目 |
王映文 | 晚清權力核心如何描述中外衝突下的「危機」與教育在危機中所扮演的角色 |
吳滿花、楊忠斌 | 森林美學在環境教育上的啟示 |
翁文璇 | 日本國民教育精神對台灣職業教育之借鑒 |
盧孜瑛、謝文英 | 疫情下偏鄉小學停課不停學生生有平板教學困境與應變之道 |
吳婉寧 | 新冠疫情下,馬來西亞微型華小教師面對線上教學的挑戰與應對策略 |
Tang Thi Thuy, Giang Nguyen |
Prediction of university student dropout using a machine learning approach |
Richard S. Nellas | Appropriating the Systems Thinking Approach in the Higher Education: The basis for understanding the students’ mobility and internationalization |
歐陽蓉荷 | 緬甸來臺留學生的跨文化適應研究(2016-2022) |
Ngan-Ha, Nguyen 阮銀河, Thuy Thi Tang, Kieu-Hanh, Tran 陳嬌幸, Viet-Anh, Phu Duong 楊富越瑛, Thi Thu Hang, Vu 武氏秋姮, Dai Co Viet, Nguyen 阮大瞿越 |
Integrating Experiential Learning in EMI Classrooms to Develop Students’ Employability Skills – from Lecturers’ Perspectives |
Anantri Sabrina Manik | Innovation and Teaching Education as a strategy to strengthen character education in the Era of Risk Society |
Christopher Green/Christopher James Green 綠軒亞 | A Comparative Perspective of International Students Pursuing Education degrees in South Korea and Taiwan |
Jen-Cheih Szu 絲任節 | The Involution in Early Childhood Education: A Glance in Taiwan |
陳國瑤 | 基於風險社會理論解讀德國初等教育發展面臨的挑戰與對策—以新冠疫情為例 |
陳于揚 Yu-Yang Chen |
Breaking the North-cored Education: A Discourse for Distribution Unbalance of National University in Taiwan |
Nhut-Khanh, Phan, Thuy Thi Tang, Thi Thu Hang, Vu 武氏秋姮, Ngan-Ha Nguyen, Ha Thu, Khuat 屈荷秋, Phu Viet Anh, Duong 楊富越瑛 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Challenges for Vietnam’s Higher Educational Policy: Suggested Precautionary Principles and Sustainable Development |
傅柏維 | 國小社會領域教科書客家意象分析 |
Shervina Octavyaputri葉雪娜, Clarissa Anggoro Wijaya黃馨慧, Patricia Angelica Liu劉美香, Rosevin Wilyani鍾愛萍, Melissa Yusuf 尤韵斯, Valerie保里乃玲 |
Analysis of factors influencing Indonesian student’s willingness to stay in Taiwan After Graduation |
沈育娜 | 我國男性大學生面臨愛情失落經驗之情緒與調適歷程 |
許紋瑄 | 國際實習生跨文化能力發展之影響因素研究 |
郭芝余 | 初探澳洲國際教育策略2021-2030:因應風險社會的新挑戰新方向 |
任家鋆 | An overview of the motivations of study mothers from the Sinosphere and their adaptation to the English-speaking world |
吳美齡 | Relationship between negative events experienced by adolescents and depression in risk society |
Puan Tursina, Ter-sheng Chiang |
The Study of Acehnese Teachers’ Interactions with Students in the Classroom in Indonesia: From the Perspective of Symbolic Interactionism |
Yu-Yang Chen | The Interaction Existence Syn-Casting (IESC) System under Academic Territorology: Interdisciplinary Co-Construction of Language Education and Culture Education |
古思旂、陳于揚 | 在師資培育與大學轉型之間:當代臺灣師資培育機構的發展方向擇定兼論教育大學的定位問題 |
註:將個別通知上述摘要錄取名單之投稿人研討會相關資訊,以及發表相關之後續事宜。 |
承辦單位(Organizer): 國立暨南國際大學國際文教與比較教育學系
本研討會由國家科學及技術委員會資助Sponsored by National Science and Technology Council