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International Conference on Global Cooperation for Education in Risk Society

徵稿啟事 Call for Papers 專題演講者 Keynote Speakers 議程 Programme 
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Deadline for full paper submission: April 6, 2023 (Thu.)
Registration: from March 13, 2023 to April 9, 2023

姓名 投稿題目
王映文 晚清權力核心如何描述中外衝突下的「危機」與教育在危機中所扮演的角色
吳滿花、楊忠斌 森林美學在環境教育上的啟示
翁文璇 日本國民教育精神對台灣職業教育之借鑒
盧孜瑛、謝文英 疫情下偏鄉小學停課不停學生生有平板教學困境與應變之道
吳婉寧 新冠疫情下,馬來西亞微型華小教師面對線上教學的挑戰與應對策略
Tang Thi Thuy,
Giang Nguyen
Prediction of university student dropout using a machine learning approach
Richard S. Nellas Appropriating the Systems Thinking Approach in the Higher Education: The basis for understanding the students’ mobility and internationalization
歐陽蓉荷 緬甸來臺留學生的跨文化適應研究(2016-2022)
Ngan-Ha, Nguyen 阮銀河,
Thuy Thi Tang,
Kieu-Hanh, Tran 陳嬌幸,
Viet-Anh, Phu Duong 楊富越瑛,
Thi Thu Hang, Vu 武氏秋姮,
Dai Co Viet, Nguyen 阮大瞿越
Integrating Experiential Learning in EMI Classrooms to Develop Students’ Employability Skills – from Lecturers’ Perspectives
Anantri Sabrina Manik Innovation and Teaching Education as a strategy to strengthen character education in the Era of Risk Society
Christopher Green/Christopher James Green 綠軒亞 A Comparative Perspective of International Students Pursuing Education degrees in South Korea and Taiwan
Jen-Cheih Szu 絲任節 The Involution in Early Childhood Education: A Glance in Taiwan
陳國瑤 基於風險社會理論解讀德國初等教育發展面臨的挑戰與對策—以新冠疫情為例
Yu-Yang Chen
Breaking the North-cored Education: A Discourse for Distribution Unbalance of National University in Taiwan
Nhut-Khanh, Phan,
Thuy Thi Tang,
Thi Thu Hang, Vu 武氏秋姮,
Ngan-Ha Nguyen,
Ha Thu, Khuat 屈荷秋,
Phu Viet Anh, Duong 楊富越瑛
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Challenges for Vietnam’s Higher Educational Policy: Suggested Precautionary Principles and Sustainable Development
傅柏維 國小社會領域教科書客家意象分析
Shervina Octavyaputri葉雪娜,
Clarissa Anggoro Wijaya黃馨慧,
Patricia Angelica Liu劉美香,
Rosevin Wilyani鍾愛萍,
Melissa Yusuf 尤韵斯, Valerie保里乃玲
Analysis of factors influencing Indonesian student’s willingness to stay in Taiwan After Graduation
沈育娜 我國男性大學生面臨愛情失落經驗之情緒與調適歷程
許紋瑄 國際實習生跨文化能力發展之影響因素研究
郭芝余 初探澳洲國際教育策略2021-2030:因應風險社會的新挑戰新方向
任家鋆 An overview of the motivations of study mothers from the Sinosphere and their adaptation to the English-speaking world
吳美齡 Relationship between negative events experienced by adolescents and depression in risk society
Puan Tursina,
Ter-sheng Chiang
The Study of Acehnese Teachers’ Interactions with Students in the Classroom in Indonesia: From the Perspective of Symbolic Interactionism
Yu-Yang Chen The Interaction Existence Syn-Casting (IESC) System under Academic Territorology: Interdisciplinary Co-Construction of Language Education and Culture Education
古思旂、陳于揚 在師資培育與大學轉型之間:當代臺灣師資培育機構的發展方向擇定兼論教育大學的定位問題
承辦單位(Organizer):DICE logo 國立暨南國際大學國際文教與比較教育學系

本研討會由國家科學及技術委員會資助Sponsored by National Science and Technology Council