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International Conference on The Unchanging in Change: Happiness Education - Educating for Happiness
International Conference on The Unchanging in Change: Happiness Education - Educating for Happiness
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專題演講者 Keynote Speakers
以色列臺拉維夫大學(Tel Aviv University)教育學教授Izhar Oplatka
Prof. Izhar Oplatka (Educational Administration and Leadership, The School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
英國威靈頓公學心理、社會、健康教育及福祉部門負責教師Ian Morris
Mr. Ian Morris (PSHE & Wellbeing, Wellington College, Berkshire, UK)
日本關東學院大學(Kanto Gakuin University)社會.教育學 教授 佐藤幸也
Prof. Dr. SATOH KOHYA(Information Science, Specialty: Sociology & Education, College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan)
指導單位(Adviser): 國立暨南國際大學
主辦單位(Organizer): 國立暨南國際大學國際文教與比較教育學系