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  • 研究案:
    年度 專案名稱 補助單位 
    111 永續發展管理人才培育與技能發展理論建構與實務探究:以公民社會組織為方法(二年期)
    國科會(MOST 111-2410-H-260-015-MY2)
    107 聯合國永續發展觀點下台灣與印度雙邊教育合作夥伴關係之發展策略與實務分析(二年期) 科技部(MOST 107-2410-H-260-017-MY2)
    104 社會企業從事國際教育援助之策略分析:印度和中國大陸的比較(二年期) 科技部(MOST 104-2410-H-260 -015 -MY2)
    102 青年技能發展之政策與實務分析:以印度為例(二年期) 國科會(NSC 102-2410-H-260-051-MY2)
    100 非營利組織之社會企業化對柬埔寨人力資源培育與就業促進之分析(I)  國科會(NSC 100-2410-H-260-061- )
    99 國際教育援助之官方網絡實務與理論反省--援助政策與運作機制之分析(I)(共同主持人) 國科會(NSC 99-2410-H-260-009-)
    98 國際非政府組織的教育援助政策與經營機制對柬埔寨青年就業的影響 國科會(NSC 98-2410-H-260-066-)

    • 鄭以萱(2022)。重新思考臺灣與印度公民社會的技職教育夥伴關係:追求永續發展技能。台灣教育研究期刊,2022,3(2),57-81。
    • 鄭以萱(2022)。永續發展人才養成的趨勢與願景。素養力學季刊,春季號。
    • 鄭以萱(2019)。聯合國永續發展目標下的優質學習生態系統建構:以社會創業型態之印度河濱學校為例。當代教育研究季刊,27(4),1-35。(TSSCI)
    • 鄭以萱(2018)。從國際教育航向全球永續發展--我們都是同路人。台中市教育電子報,第九十期,國際教育面面觀。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2015). Re-modelling and reconceptualising skills development in Cambodia: How are social enterprises preparing young people for successful transitions between learning and work? International Journal of Educational Development. (SSCI)
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (2013). Taiwan strides towards the United Nations post-2015 development agenda: Who upholds the vision of sustainable development? NORRAG News 'Education and Development in the Post-2015 Landscapes', 49: 47-48.
    • 鄭以萱(2013)。以非政府組織支援的海外服務學習培育國際化人才。教育資料與研究,110,27-50。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2012). NGO management to empower the poor in Cambodia: from the perspective of Resource Dependency Theory. 非政府組織與全球治理。3(1),1-43。(NSC-100-2410-H-260-061-)
    • 鄭以萱 (2011)。柬埔寨職業教育現況、挑戰與展望。教育資料集刊,51,107-124。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2010). Embedding research on international development in the discourse of comparative education in East Asia. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.,40(6), 831-833. (SSCI)
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2010a). Case studies of integrated pedagogy in vocational education: a three-tier approach to empowering vulnerable youth in urban Cambodia. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(4),437-445。 (SSCI)
    • 鄭以萱 (2010b)。柬埔寨初等教育的發展、現況與挑戰 —「量」與「質」之間的拔河。教育資料集刊,45,149-168。
    • 鄭以萱 (2008)。英國教育部鼓勵中小學校長參與國際教育合作之初探。教育資訊,八月份。駐英國代表處文化組。
    • 鄭以萱 (2006a)。兒童扶持局之改革。英國教育輯要,64期,頁5。
    • 鄭以萱 (2006b)。英國中小學校長人才荒。英國教育輯要,62期,頁4。
    • 鄭以萱 (2005a)。青年綠皮書。英國教育輯要,60期,頁2。
    • 鄭以萱 (2005b)。英國技術白皮書。英國教育輯要,58期,頁5。
    • 鄭以萱 (2005c)。籌設「品質增進處」,以邁向終身學習之途。英國教育輯要,56期。

    • 鄭以萱(2022)。永續發展管理人才培育之探究發表於第十四屆發展研究年會,2022年11月18-20日,國立東華大學​
    • 鄭以萱(2021)。是援助?還是發展?-柬埔寨教育發展在國際結構勢力夾縫中的光與影。發表於比較教育學術研討會,2021年11月26日,國立臺灣師範大學。
    • 鄭以萱(2020)。印度技能發展研究。發表於印度研究培力工作坊,2021年12月18日,國立清華大學。
    • 鄭以萱(2020)。當比較教育遇見發展研究:Kenneth King和Angela Little的「全民教育」觀點與行動。發表於中華民國教育學術團體聯合年會,2020年11月14日,國立臺灣師範大學。
    • 鄭以萱(2020)。探討臺灣與印度公民社會的教育夥伴關係:邁向永續發展。發表於科技部教育學門成果發表會,2020年10月24日,國立臺灣師範大學。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2019). Exploring educational partnership between Taiwanese and Indian civil societies: For sustainable development. Presented at 2019 “Taiwan-India Relations and the Surrounding Areas” Forum, at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 15 November 2019.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2019). Conceptualising and implementing education for sustainable development: Lessons learnt from the Riverside School in Ahmedabad, India. Presented at the Round Table of the 2019 International Conference on Education Trend or Innovation: Context, Practice, and Reflection of Contemporary Curriculum and Instruction Change, at National Tainan University, Taiwan, 7 December 2019.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2019). Implementing Skill Development Policy in India from the Perspective of UN Sustainable Development Goals. International Conference on TVET for Employment, Income and Job Quality, at Kathmandu University, Nepal, 11-12 September 2019.
    • 鄭以萱(2018)。 聯合國永續發展目標下的優質學習生態系統建構:以社會創業型態之印度河濱學校為例。發表於「第五屆兩岸與港澳地區比較教育論壇」,2018年4月28日,主辦單位:中華民國比較教育學會。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2017). Leveraging an ecosystem for quality learning in private unaided schools in Ahmedabad India: From the perspective of social entrepreneurship. The UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development, at Oxford University, UK. 5-7 September 2017.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan & Tsai, Chieh-Yu (2016). From social entrepreneurs to ‘teacherpreneurs’: Leverages for quality learning at urban private schools in Ahmedabad, India. The British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Conference: Achieving Equity and Quality in Learning: Comparative Perspectives, at University of Nottingham, UK, 12-14 September 2016.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2016). International education assistance in developing human capital in the 21st century: Lessons learnt from India and China. International Conference on Creating 2020 Horizon of Higher Education: Change and Innovation of Higher Education, at National Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 30 April 2016.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2016). Skill development for social and economic sustainability: The country case study of India. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2016. Hong Kong. 15-16 April 2016.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2015). Beyond 2015: Trends, Challenges and Prospects in International Education Assistance and Development Cooperation in Developing Asia. Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society (CTCES) Annual Conference, at National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan. 14 November 2015.
    • 蔡捷妤、鄭以萱 (2015)。“Teach the way I learn”:印度河濱學校「以學生為中心」教 學實踐之個案研究。發表於中華民國比較教育學會「二十一世紀比較教育發展新趨勢:新研究典範的追尋」國際研討會。2015年11月14日,國立台中教育大學。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2014). Universal rights-based rationale for education and skills development: A study of Indian case. The full paper was presented in the 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES), at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, 26 – 28 November 2014.
    • I-Hsuan Cheng (2014). Developing international cooperation in education: from aid effectiveness to development effectiveness. 2014 International Conference on International Cooperation and Education Aid, at National Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 27 April 2014. 
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2013). Re-modelling and reconceptualising skills development: How are social enterprises preparing young people for successful transitions between learning and work? The 12th UKFIET (United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training) International Conference on Education and Development, at Oxford University, UK. 10-12 September 2013.
    • 鄭以萱(2013)。國際教育觀念與行動的對話:NGO觀點的海外服務學習為例。發表於「中小學國際教育國際研討會」,高雄蓮潭國際文教會館國際一廳,2013年3月20-21日。主辦單位:國立中正大學教育學研究所。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2012). Debates on transforming TVET in developing Asia: can UNESCO’s TVET strategy prepare young people for successful transitions between learning and work? International Education Development Forum 2012 (IEDF 2012), at Waseda University, Tokyo. 26-27 October 2012. (NSC-100-2410-H-260-061-)
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2012). A decade after introduction of UN Millennium Development Goal on Universal Primary Education in developing Asia - what next? The 2012 Regional Symposium on Asian Education: Policies and practices responding to global challenges, at National Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 14 May 2012.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2012). The policies and politics of social enterprises in response to international education: with special reference to Cambodia. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2012. Hong Kong. 25 February 2012. (NSC-100-2410-H-260-061-)
    • 鄭以萱(2011). A Comparative Analysis of International Aid Patterns and Ideas in Cambodia: Traditional Donors v.s. Emerging Donors. Forum on International Educational Aid: Examining the Roles of Bilateral Organizations in Asia and Africa. 地點:國立台灣師範大學。時間:2011年4月11日。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (accepted). INGOs' educational role in the employability and empowerment of vulnerable young women in Cambodia. The 55th Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 1-5 May 2011. (NSC-98-2410-H-260-066-)
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2010). The role of international non-governmental organisations in educating young people for employability in Cambodia. The 21st Annual Conference of Japanese International Education Society (JIES), at Sendai Shirayuri Women's College, Japan. 11-12 September 2010. (NSC-98-2410-H-260-066-)
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2009a). Methodology in Conceptualising and Modelling Educational Effectiveness: An Application of Dynamic Concept Analysis. The full paper was presented in the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference. Manchester University, UK. 2-5 September 2009.
    • 鄭以萱 (2009b)。反思南北NGO合夥關係-- 以外籍援助工作者在柬埔寨執行培力計畫中的權力問題和文化挑戰為例。發表並全文收錄於「2009年台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會」,中央研究院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心主辦,2009年4月24-25日於中央研究院。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2007a). Making a Cultural Conflation ---Expatriate Educators' Moral Challenges in Empowering Young People in Post-Conflict Cambodia. The Comparative Moral Education Seminar, at Institute of Education, London University, UK. 17 October 2007.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2007b). NGOs Intervention in Vocational Education for Vulnerable Young People's Employment and Empowerment in Cambodia. The United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) Oxford Conference, at Oxford University, UK. 11-13 September 2007.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2007c). The Constituents and Challenges of Effectively Educating Vulnerable Young People in Urban Cambodia. The Conference ‘Kaleidoscope: Perspectives on Education Research Symposium’, at Cambridge University, UK. 1 June 2007.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2006). NGOs Intervention in Vocational Education for Vulnerable Young People in Cambodia. The Doctoral School Summer Conference, at London University, UK. 23-24 June 2006.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2005a). INGOs, Vocational Education and Training for Micro-Enterprise and Empowerment. The December Poster Conference, at London University, UK. 9 December 2005.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2005b). Education Planning and Management for the Poor. The Lifelong Education and International Development (LEID) Conference ‘Horizons and Time: the Researcher as Voyager’, at Institute of Education, London University, UK. 18 November 2005.

    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (September 2023). Reorienting technical and vocational education policies in Taiwan towards economic and social sustainability. In Mona Khare (Ed.),Chapter 7, Sustainable and Dynamic Graduate Employability: A Comparative Overview across Geographies. Delhi: Routledge.
    • 鄭以萱(2023.04)。柬埔寨:國際勢力介入下的教育發展與挑戰。收錄於中華民國比較教育學會主編、沈姍姍執行主編,南海周邊國家教育—發展脈絡與議題。臺北:高等教育。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan; Chan, Sheng-Ju. (May 2022). “Asian Perspectives and Approaches for Developing Assistance in Promoting Human Capital.” In George Noblit (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.63
    • 鄭以萱(2021)。當比較教育遇見發展研究:Kenneth King和Angela Little的「全民教育」觀點與行動。載於中華民國比較教育學會主編,新比較教育學:理論與研究。台北市:元照出版公司。ISBN:9789575115401
    • 鄭以萱(2016)。印度技能發展政策之教育機會均等觀的分析。載於溫明麗主編,教育機會均等 (頁43-66)。台北:國家教育研究院。
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju  (2016).Aid for human resource development: The rise of Asia. In McGrath, Simon & Gu, Qing (Eds), Routledge International Handbook on Education and Development. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-74754-7
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2015). Introduction: Asian perspectives on international education aid: From donor experience, to transitional experience and recipient experience. In Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.), International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and practices. Singapore: Springer.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2015). Promise unfulfilled: Perspectives on current trends and issues in education and skills in Asia. In Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.), International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and practices. Singapore: Springer.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan, Chan, Sheng-Ju & Lee, Pai-Bo (2015). The evolving patterns and history of Taiwan’s official educational aid. In Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.), International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and practices. Singapore: Springer.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2015). Developing and managing international cooperation and partnerships for educational development in Cambodia: Transforming aid effectiveness into development effectiveness. In Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.), International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and practices. Singapore: Springer.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (2015). Conclusion: International education development in the post-2015 era. In Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds), International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and practices. Singapore: Springer.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan & Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.) (2015). International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-287-455-9
    • 陳怡如、鄭以萱(付梓中). 美國國際援助政策與實務。載於鍾宜興等主編,國際援助策略與實務之比較:雙邊組織篇
    • 鄭以萱(2011)。柬埔寨幼兒教育。載於周祝英等主編,比較幼兒教育。台中:華格那。

    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2008). NGOs’ Intervention in Vocational Education for Vulnerable Young People’s Employment and Empowerment in Cambodia. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Institute of Education, London University, UK.
    • Cheng, I-Hsuan (2003). Providing Non-Formal Education Services to the Urban Poor in India. Unpublished MRes Dissertation. Edinburgh University, UK.