This doctoral degree program will cease admission starting from the academic year 2022.
This doctoral degree program is established in accordance with the Ministry of Education's 'Elite Program for Industry-Academia Collaboration and Research Cultivation.' The application model follows a '5-year integrated master's and doctoral program,' with 1 year in the master's program and 4 years in the doctoral program (the first 3 years for coursework on campus, and the last 2 years for off-campus internships, research and completion of the doctoral dissertation).
Since November 2014, after receiving approval from the Ministry of Education for 2 slots, an additional 2 slots have been approved annually. By the academic year 2018, a total of 10 students have participated in this doctoral degree program. The Ministry of Education approves the quota for each new academic year and disburses a scholarship of NT$200,000 per student per year.
Application Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled as master's students in the 'Comparative Literature Department' for the current academic year.
This doctoral degree program will cease admission starting from the academic year 2022.
This doctoral degree program is established in accordance with the Ministry of Education's 'Elite Program for Industry-Academia Collaboration and Research Cultivation.' The application model follows a '5-year integrated master's and doctoral program,' with 1 year in the master's program and 4 years in the doctoral program (the first 3 years for coursework on campus, and the last 2 years for off-campus internships, research and completion of the doctoral dissertation).
Since November 2014, after receiving approval from the Ministry of Education for 2 slots, an additional 2 slots have been approved annually. By the academic year 2018, a total of 10 students have participated in this doctoral degree program. The Ministry of Education approves the quota for each new academic year and disburses a scholarship of NT$200,000 per student per year.
Application Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled as master's students in the 'Comparative Literature Department' for the current academic year.
加入年度 | 學生姓名 | 計畫執行期限 | 狀態 |
103學年度(第2學期) | 傅柏維 | 103-2學期至108-1學期,共5年 | 於108-1學期畢業 109學年度任職於國立聯合大學客家語言與傳播研究所約聘助理教授兼課外活動指導組組長 指導教授:鍾宜興副教授 論文題目:泰北華校華語文化教材研發歷程之分析─以族群文化之觀點編寫 ※獲109年度「僑務委員會僑務研究碩博士論文獎」(博士組),獎金新臺幣5萬元 |
許仁豪 | 105-2學期因考上公職辦理退學,退出此計畫 | ||
104學年度(第2學期) | 施令慈 | 104-2學期至109-1學期,共5年 | 於109-1學期畢業 109學年度第2學期起任職於朝陽科技大學行銷與流通管理系兼任助理教授及紐西蘭鳳興書院華語文教師 指導教授:洪雯柔教授 論文題目:海外數位華語教學平臺之系統建構 —以紐西蘭鳳興書院數位學習中心為例 |
羅幗欣 | 107學年度起休學,退出此計畫 | ||
105學年度 | 曾妤璇 | 105學年度至109學年度,共5年 | 因論文無法如期完成,於110年10月退出此計畫 指導教授:洪雯柔教授 論文題目:數位華語教師師資培訓之研究-以紐西蘭鳳興書院數位學習中心為例 |
蘇郁閔 | 於109學年度畢業 110年度第2學期任職於教育部大學社會責任推動中心(USR計畫)評估企劃組博士後研究員 指導教授:羅雅惠副教授、鄭以萱教授 論文題目:對話式共讀的在地化應用:柬埔寨村莊婦女親子共讀課程設計與成效分析 |
106學年度 | 林汶萱 | 106學年度至110學年度,共5年 | 於111-2學期畢業 任職於新北市新店區直潭國民小學,擔任教師 指導教授:鄭以萱教授 論文題目:印度新德里貧民窟兒童在義務教育階段的學習困境 |
陳玠妤 | 於111-2學期畢業 任職於國立臺灣科技大學雙語教育推動辦公室擔任博士後研究員 指導教授:鄭以萱教授 論文題目:印度 Design for Change (DFC) 在台灣的教師培訓課程規劃與實施之個案研究 |
107學年度 | 李泓儒 | 107學年度至111學年度,共5年 | 於112-2學期畢業 指導教授:鄭以萱教授 論文題目:Design for Change(DFC)學習法之實踐與形塑學生核心素養之研究 |
謝侑珊 | 於112學年度第1學期退學,退出此計畫 | ||
108學年度 | 無學生加入 | ||
109學年度 | 無學生加入 | ||
110學年度 | 無學生加入 | ||
111學年度 | 停招 |
國際文教管理人才博士學位學程International Cultural & Educational Management Degree Program2018.09.20
If the quota for this doctoral program is approved by the Ministry of Education, the quota for the academic year will be selected from among the master's students in this department.